Wondering what covers you and your vehicle in case of an accident?
No more wonders. “Auto Insurance” is there with the auto insurance coverage you need at a price you can afford — helping you in case of the unexpected.
Auto insurance is far more than just covering the cost of vehicle repairs in the event of an accident. You are also shielding your life and your investments as well as the lives and livelihood of all of your loved ones.
Our experience is vast, we will cover the following:
* Liability Coverage
* Collision Coverage
* Emergency Road Service
* Comprehensive Coverage
* Medical Payments Coverage
* Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage
* Underinsured Motor Vehicle Coverage
* Car Rental and Travel Expenses Coverage
Your auto policy may include all coverage’s with each coverage is priced separately.
Liability insurance is very important and in most areas of the country, it is also a legal requirement. It covers you in the event that you cause an accident and injure a person or their property. Covered damages will be paid and you will have defense in a lawsuit.
Collision coverage is designed to assist with paying for damages to your vehicle if it collides with another vehicle or object or another vehicle collides with yours or your car is involved in a roll over. If your car is leased or financed, collision coverage is typically mandatory,
Comprehensive coverage is a way to compensate you for damages to your car that are not the result of a collision. Some examples might be: theft, vandalism, hitting a deer or other animal, storms and certain natural disasters.
Coverage for medical payments helps to offset the cost of covered medical expenses if anyone in your vehicle is injured, no matter who caused the accident.
If an uninsured/underinsured motorist causes damages or injures someone and medical costs are incurred, the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage will fill the gap.
Depending on your needs and your financial standing, you may choose from a whole host of additional coverage to create the policy that will shield you from harm.
We’ll work with you to develop an auto insurance policy that fits your needs and your budget. Contact us for more information at (561) 123-1234.