Do you need to report a claim?
There are more than enough stressors in our lives, we do our best to make things as easy for you as possible. If you’ve been involved in an accident, you may simply submit a claim online or, via phone at (561) 123-1234 or fax or you can call “Auto Insurance” at (561) 123-1234.
“Auto Insurance“ provides several methods of claims reporting. For your convenience, you can download the claim reporting form, then either fax it or email it to the numbers below.
Information that you need to report your claim: As soon as possible, report your claim to us with the following:
• What date did the accident occur
• What was involved in the accident: Automobile, Property or General Liability
• Where did the accident occur
• Did the accident involve injury to a person, was the injury visible or did the person complain of injury, was the person treated at the scene
Who was involved in the accident or who was a witness to the accident
• Detailed information regarding the damages: property owners, type of property damaged, where the damages occurred and how bad were the damages.
• Whether authorities such as Which public authorities were involved: police, fire department, or ambulance.
The process for entering your claim electronically should take no more than about 10 or 15 minutes. When you call, you will speak with a knowledgeable claims representative who will ask for all of the pertinent details and then submit your claim.
After a claim is reported, whether online or by phone, you can log in to your policy anytime online to check the status in real time.
We have your back through the whole process and make sure you receive the fastest service to settle your claim.
Contact us for more information at (561) 123-1234.