Crack Sealing

image-8_Crack SealingWhat Is Crack Sealing?

 Crack sealing is the process of creating a flexible, waterproof seal, in and over a crack or joint to stop water and road debris from entering the crack and causing further damage.

 With temperature changes, pavement expands and contracts. Sealing the cracks with flexible rubberized Asphalt that bond to the crack walls and moves with the pavement, water incursion may be prevented.

In the pavement management system, sealing of cracks may prevent pavement deterioration by reducing water penetration into underlying base and sub-base. Sealing cracks and joints in pavements extends the life of the surface and the pavement.

Crack sealing stands out as an economical maintenance technique. The benefits are realized in three to five years as the pavement has not deteriorated.

Crack sealing is the most cost-effective method over time compared to other pavement maintenance techniques.

We use the highest grade materials available, from driveways to tennis courts and shopping malls to running tracks. We have a sealer mix for all types of pavement requirements. Our professional and skilled crews use only the finest state of the art materials and repair equipment to help ensure your total satisfaction.

We take great pride in our work of filling your driveway or parking lot cracks to give them the longest life span possible.

We make every attempt to seal cracks which are 1/4″ or wider. Crack repairs DO NOT remove the cause of cracks, but they can slow down the process.

Crack sealing may be more costly for the owner in the short term and, in the long term it may add value to a property because of its longevity. Depending on the nature of the crack, filling cracks can only do so much and may only last one or two seasons.

However, crack sealing is considered a permanent treatment that may last up to 8 years, or more. In areas where there are drastic temperature changes from season to season, crack filling is truly the only option This is because it provides a permanent, flexible solution to compensate for this activity from season to season.

The main purpose of crack sealing in asphalt or concrete is to protect your pavement from premature failure. Contact us for more information at (561) 123-1234